
When did it all start?

Empty Shops Project launched on Friday 16 April, when the Mayor of Newport officially cut the ribbon outside the Dragon's Den.

Each shop will have different access times. Some will just be window displays, others will be permanently manned. Each shop will have opening times displayed.

Empty Shops Project will close on Friday 31 December 2010.

Where are the Empty Shops in Newport?

Phase one of the Empty Shops Project is centred on Upper Dock Street, with at least 5 shops being occupied for our launch on Friday 16 April. Further premises have been identified in John Frost Square, and by Summer 2010 we hope the project will have spread throughout Newport City Centre.

However, there are no boundaries to the Empty Shops Project, and if properties become available, we will do our best to involve them in the Project!

The first five shops that we will be occupying are pictured below:

Who is involved?

This project is the result of collaborations between:

Community Arts Development
Newport Festival 2010
The Riverfront
Arts Council Wales
Welsh Assembly Government
Punctum Photographic
SLS Group
Big Lottery Fund
University Wales Newport

If you like the Empty Shops Project then you might want to visit our friends:
Empty Shops Network